Lets have some fun


Did you ever think about when the position of our brain is changes from head to other places

what makes the upper position special come lets look at that.

 yes our eye,ear,nose mouth all are situated adjascent to each other why it because the neurological signal from our organs must be as soon as possible is to be reach to our brain so that we can think and do neccessary step although speed of our neurological signal is 70-120 m/s.Its little bit fast think that if our ear is on bottom so it takes some microseconds to reach us.We think that its micro its small it actually affects a lot more in our life cycle 
Now consider that our eye is located at the chest part to now at that time we can only see what infront and what below us it means that if there is a branch in tree that is above chest we cant see it and we unknowingly jumps into troubles.our head is a hardware which stores all information as our computer uses the charge our head also needs the energy its 20% of the energy that we acquired through food is used by our head and 20% of our oxygen supply also used by our brain.If any one tries to suicide (hope none of us does it ) by jumping from a tall building we can see his/her head is hitting the ground first because its more heavier than other body parts.Our skull is one of the strongest bone it duty is to protect our brain from injuries and these all things with many more information makes of our head superb
